Category: Azure Security

OAuth – Part 05 – Service-to-Service Integration and Task Scheduler

In Basic authentication, we used an actual user to connect to BC, but with the new S2S authentication we are not using an actual user and Scheduled tasks must be created and executed in the context of a licensed user. Therefore API requests cannot schedule a background task. It is simple as that.

OAuth – Part 03 – Logic App, OAuth and Business Central

This is the 3rd blog post of the OAuth series, and I have already completed the numbers 2 and 4. Once I complete this blog post today (Hopefully), I only have one to write. I will try to complete that one also within next week when I find some time during the night. I have …

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OAuth – Part 04 – Understanding Service Principal

In my previous blog post, we have gone ahead and registered an application in Azure Active Directory and then create an application account in Business Central. As the last step, we have granted permission from Business Central.

In this blog post, I’m trying to briefly explain what we did in little bit more detailed way.